8/06/2004 Add a comment
CNNSI posts their list of the Top 10 Most Embarrassing TV/Radio Interview Moments by athletes and coaches. A must read. My favorites are the Lee Elia tirade on Wrigley's bleacher bums, back when the cubs had horrible fan support (#4 on their list), the "playoffs?!?" meltdown of Jim Mora (#7) , and of course, the immortal exchange between Jim Rome and LA Rams QB Jim Everett where Rome insisted on calling him Chris Evert and Everett insisted on kicking Rome's ass (#2). I saw that one live somehow back in 1994 and it blew me away. What's your favorite? What did they leave off the list?
And on a personal note, there was the time Doug Collins chewed me out when I kept asking him about Michael Jordan and the next year (after Jordan had a season-ending knee injury) when he wanted to talk about the Wizards slim-to-none hopes of making the playoffs that year on the back of Kwame Brown, et al. 8/06/2004