12/15/2003 Add a comment

Ah, Christmas time is here. Can't stand the new Old Navy ads, just not my thing, and the "telephone operator's" voice is more annoying than Christa's from "Survivor: Pearl Islands." In the spirit of Christmases past, remember Gap's "Give a Little Bit" ads from 2001? That was a different era. The nation was in a rare spirit of giving. The Gap was still trying to appeal to consumers over 18 (have you been in a Gap lately? There is shockingly little to even try on.) Reality tv was new and exciting. "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" had not yet swept the Grammies, simultaneously making simple accoustic tunes both hip and overplayed.

And in keeping with the spirit of a nation reeling from its discovery of terror and an economy that moved men to tears, Gap launched an ad campaign that told consumers it was okay to just "give a little love to me."

(Not to mention that each artist featured in the ads gave their fee to charity.) I should have kept my promo CD of the ads to pop in when I need a reminder of more reflective times. Unknown
