Go ahead, call it a comeback
8/29/2005 Add a comment
snap judgments about pop culture, sports, politics, etc.
8/29/2005 Add a comment
8/25/2005 Add a comment
8/25/2005 Add a comment
8/23/2005 Add a comment
Black people are cooler than you, and black people drink HeinekenApparently these Asian guys changed their entire personas when they saw how a "real" black person was behaving. This ad takes the cake for egregious racial stereotyping as far as I'm concerned. Let's see how long it takes for Slate's advertising reviewer to slice and dice it.
8/22/2005 Add a comment
8/19/2005 Add a comment
8/16/2005 Add a comment
8/05/2005 Add a comment
There are several reasons why fake research is so effective. One is that nonscientists sometimes find it hard to tell the difference between research and advocacy - if it's got numbers and charts in it, doesn't that make it science?If you don't read Krugman twice a week, you're missing out.
Even when reporters do know the difference, the conventions of he-said-she-said journalism get in the way of conveying that knowledge to readers. I once joked that if President Bush said that the Earth was flat, the headlines of news articles would read, "Opinions Differ on Shape of the Earth." The headlines on many articles about the intelligent design controversy come pretty close.
Finally, the self-policing nature of science - scientific truth is determined by peer review, not public opinion - can be exploited by skilled purveyors of cultural resentment. Do virtually all biologists agree that Darwin was right? Well, that just shows that they're elitists who think they're smarter than the rest of us.
8/03/2005 Add a comment