1/05/2005 Add a comment

The New York Times says SNL has lost it again, this time by spending too much time on trashy celebrity culture rather than offering cheeky political critique. It's the standard drumbeat to a slightly different tune. The article calls attention to whatevs.org, a very entertaining blog that I'll make a permalink one of these days.

Dave Barry says goodbye (for now) as he signs off on his column for awhile. It's true that he used to be a lot funnier. Perhaps it's because we've grown as humor appreciaters (appreciators?), but more likely it's because his style hasn't changed and he continues to rely on booger jokes. Booger jokes are so elementary school, and they aren't even ironically funny anymore. Steve Martin and Washington Post readers offer tributes. Martin's reads exactly like a washed-up Harvard Lampoon piece.

Writer/author Seth Mnookin offers up his tale of heroin abuse.


  1. Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés: This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. 11/19/2005  
  2. Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés: This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. 12/25/2005  
  3. Blogger Unknown: This comment has been removed by the author. 8/24/2007