10/01/2004 Add a comment

From Jon Stewart's interview with Rudy Giuliani: “And again, boy I hate to harp on it, but don’t you think that what he believes is the mistake is how we went about the war, not the actual idea of disarming Saddam? I think what he was saying was that he felt Saddam could have been disarmed without us invading. And actually, I guess what I would suggest is that he was actually disarmed, because there weren’t actually the weapons we thought were there.” Jon's interviews are usually the weakest part of The Daily Show, but at least in this moment, he was dead on.


  1. Blogger littleboxes: We here at littleboxes actually think he's a better interviewer than either Leno or Letterman. But that does not deny your point that his interviews are the weakest part of the show. So, well, nevermind. An informal poll suggests that over 70% of our staff "absolutely positively loves your website." The remaining staff members were equally divided between "absolutely loving" and "stone cold drunk."

    -littleboxes staff