6/29/2004 Add a comment
snap culture: June 2004
6/25/2004 Add a comment
6/24/2004 Add a comment
The NYT on Harvard and their expanding African American student body.
The Post with their annual Larry Summers isn't your father's Harvard University President article.
6/23/2004 Add a comment
1) Let the backtracking and foot-in-mouthing begin as the press realizes that a handful of representatives and senators attended a bizarre reception for The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who considers himself the Messiah, on Capitol Hill in March. Danny Davis, Mark Dayton, and many others went for reasons that are still unclear. Some say the reception was intended to honor others. Republican attendees argue they went to support the Washington Times, being ridiculously ignorant not to know that Rev. Moon owns the Times and would say all kinds of crazy stuff. Either way, this is not good press if you're elected representative was in attendance.
2) Things have gotten ugly in Republican Senate nominee Jack Ryan's campaign after allegations have surfaced accusing him of asking her to perform sexual acts in front of other people. Let's just say that this isn't going to play in Peoria. Dem. Barack Obama has opened up a 20 point lead, and that was BEFORE this news came out. Stick a big fork in Ryan's campaign.
3) The "Sweatshirt Capital of the World," Martinsville, Virginia, lost their minor league baseball team this year. And things ain't what they used to be in southwestern Va. It's gotten so bad there that NASCAR is likely going to remove Martinsville from their racing schedule next year. What are the good citizens going to do about it? Blame NAFTA.
6/22/2004 Add a comment
How about: There's nothing full about this former "Full House" star.
No, no wait, how about: Maybe she should have been eating for two.
How about: Mary Kate needs to get on the Lewinsky diet (see below).
Hmm, I'm running out of ideas. Anyone else care to jump on the bandwagon?
6/22/2004 Add a comment
6/21/2004 Add a comment
6/21/2004 Add a comment
In other airline news, the documentary-style A&E program "Airline," a clever, wonderful show about Southwest Airlines, has spurred a dramatic increase in Southwest job applications.
6/17/2004 Add a comment
6/17/2004 Add a comment
How about this story about a woman who is competing for the U.S. in Athens in synchronized swimming, but who already knows she's going to jail afterward?
6/16/2004 Add a comment
6/16/2004 Add a comment
6/07/2004 Add a comment
Then head to Slate for readings on:
How stupid Reagan was, how he wrecked the GOP, and how he misunderstood freedom.
Anyone else have suggestions of good "Ding-dong the witch is dead" kind of reading?
the indexes easily.
Take a look at Wallstreetwinnersonline.com
RickJ 4/08/2006