12/04/2003 Add a comment

This is a fun game! Here's what people recommended instead of JLo's most recent album (my favorite: Why Catholics Can't Sing: The Culture of Catholicism and the Triumph of Bad Taste). Customers suggest that along with buying Britney's In The Zone, you might also want to pick up Songwriting for Dummies or, perhaps, Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth. Bizarrely, someone thought that instead of picking up Jessica Lynch's memoir, you might want to read Law School Insider: The Comprehensive 21st Century Guide to Success in Admissions, Classes, Law Review, Bar Exams and Job Searches, for Prospective Students and Their Loved Ones. Finally, check out the recommendations for The Da Vinci Code, for a truly odd exploration of Conspiracy Theories That People Write About Christianity and some religious evangelism to boot! Anonymous
